A Wings Things reminder is posted to alt.tv.wings around the first day of each century. If you missed it on Jan 1st, 2000 - stick around till Jan 1st, 2100
Wings, the World's Greatest Sitcom, ran on the NBC Network from April 1990 until May 1997 and centered around brothers Joe and Brian Hackett, and Joe's girlfriend/wife, Helen Chappel Hackett.
The series stared Tim Daly, Steven Weber and Crystal Bernard, and was produced by Grub Street Productions and Paramount.
The Wings List of Lists (LoL) includes an episode guide, quotable quotes, trivia, SNAFUS and more. The LoL, by Ray Li and Matt Messina, is once again available online via The Wings List of Lists
Caution: most email addresses shown via the LOL and the Wings Grams are far far out of date as these Wings resources are now approximately 7 or 8 years old - an eternity in Internet Years.
From out of the past - the Wings Gram - a weekly email newsletter for Wings fam - the series ran WG Number One in October 1994 through WG No. 32 which concluded the series in June 1995 - at that time the USENET Newsgroup alt.tv.wings had taken wing and superceded the Wings Grams.
We'll feature a different Wings Gram periodically here via the Wings Things -- click for the current Featured Wings Gram.
WWW Resources - World Wide Web Wings-related pages:Legend:
S=Sound LL=List of Lists ES=Episode Summaries NG=Newsgroup Archive
I=Images T=Text Files WG=Wings Grams UE=Upcoming Episodes
V=Video G=General Information- General Sites -
all currently offline and shown here for hysterical porpoises and others who're interested.
You may be able to locate some via the internet archives. This list will be updated at someday with any current Wings online sites.
Let me know what you know!
The Wings Webring: http://www.webring.org/cgi-bin/webring?ring=wingstv&list [site list]
Kevin Koperski: http://www.mindspring.com/~koperski/wings/index.html [I. T, S, ES, Quiz]
Matt Messina: http://www-personal.umich.edu/~messina/wings/ [LL, I, T, ES, NG, UE, G]
Aaron Moy: http://www.students.uiuc.edu/~a-moy/wings.html [LL, I, S, ES, WG, V]
Arun Subramanya: http://www.geocities.com/TelevisionCity/Studio/3586/index.html [I, G + last episode report]
Jason Crichton: http://www.geocities.com/Hollywood/Hills/3857/index.html [S, UE]
Calgary TV: http://www.cict.com/programs/wings.htm [S, V]
The Wings Quote-a-Tron: http://www.wings.kcsky.net/quotes.html [quotes]
Perpetual Quotes: http://www.wings.kcsky.net/requote.html [endless quotes]- cast member tributes -
Jill Amber: http://members.aol.com/Aeromass/TDfanclub.html [I, G] (Tim Daly page)
Mary and Melissa: http://www.geocities.com/Hollywood/Lot/7339 [I, G] (Steven Weber page)
Jennifer Harper: http://members.tripod.com/~cbfan1/celebrity/crystal_bernard.html [I, T ]
(Crystal Bernard page)
Crystal Bernard concert list: Pollstar-Crystal Bernard (info only available when CB is on tour)- more Wings sites - USA Network: http://www.usanetwork.com/scripts/schedule.cgi [UE]
The Ultimate TV List: http://www.ultimatetv.com/(In case of difficulty, try substituting %7E for the ~ (tilde) character.
USENET Newsgroup: alt.tv.wings
You can post to the newsgroup using the Deja News site: http://postnews.dejanews.com/post.xp
If unable to access alt.tv.wings on your system, the newsgroup is available on two freenets via telnet: telnet://afn.org or telnet://detroit.freenet.org. In both cases, free, online registration is offered.
Mailing List:The WINGS GRAM, an email newsletter issued from October 1994 to June 1995, is no longer being created, having been replaced by the newsgroup alt.tv.wings. Wings Gram back issues are included on Aaron Moy's Web page.
Wings Paraphernalia: (no endorsement given)Hats, shirts, mugs, etc: Bull and Finch, 84 Beacon St, Boston, MA 02108. (800) 962-3333. The authorized vendor for Wings/Cheers merchandise.
Wings logo hats and t-shirts are available at the Paramount Company Store in Hollywood. The phone number is (213) 956-5292.
Wings logo hats, t-shirts, and mugs may be mail-ordered from Time Warner Viewer's Edge. The phone number is (800) 947-3928.
USA Network:1230 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10020. (212) 408-9100.
The contents of this file and are maintained by Dick Williams. I welcome submissions, changes, etc.
Copyright © 1999-2003 Dick Williams and Alan Brue
dw 1/20/99
updated 12/13/03Email addy rjw at kcsky dot net - you'll know what to do with that